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109767 Curiousart@a... 2002‑09‑16 Re: hanging on by my fingertips
bill sez:

>i play (in a very amateur fashion) saxophone, and have 
always justified the continual pursuit and capture of vintage 
saxophones in the wild (along with their spoor, mouthpieces and 
ephemera) with "well, i need one for practicing at home and one for 
practicing at work".

Hooboy, as if you didn't have a problem before!

For those who don't know, saxophonists are every bit as obsessively geeky as 
us galoots. They hang out on breaks endlessly discussing saxophone minutia, 
putting every non saxophonist in earshot into a deep sleep. They show each 
other publicity photos of famous jazz saxophonists while shouting things like 
"No, no, you idiot! Can't you see he's clearly using an Otto Link 
mouthpiece?! *That's* how he gets his sound!" They even have the equivilent 
of obsessive sole lapping where they will spend hours flattening the spot 
where the reed contacts the metal mouthpiece on a piece of sandpaper fixed to 
plate glass.

Welcome to the list, you poor bahstid......

Art Bailey 
Somerville, Ma.

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